Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel announces a grant of Rs 10 lakh for Press Club building in Kasdol…

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel met delegations of various communities and social organizations in Kasdol late on Thursday.

On the demand of the representatives of Press Club Kasdol, the Chief Minister announced a financial grant of Rs 10 lakh for the Press Club building.

He also announced sanctioning funds of Rs. 20 lahks to Kanwar Samaj for the community hall and Rs. 20 lahks to Patel Samaj for the construction of the building in Lavan.

On this occasion,CM Baghel took information from the representatives of all societies and organizations regarding their social activities and also took feedback from them regarding the implementation of government schemes and programmes.

Addressing the gathering on occasion, the Chief Minister said regarding the reservation for Scheduled Castes that the reservation percentage has been hiked on the basis of the number of the population of other backward classes.

If the scheduled caste society gives its consent to get the census done, then a commission will be constituted to get their census done as well.

If there is an increase in the population, then the reservation will be in proportion to the population.

On the demand for girls hostel by Pragya Kurmi Samaj, he said that a plan is being chalked out to open hostels in every district headquarters.

The Brahmin Samaj thanked the Chief Minister for renaming Balar Dam after the late Kanhaiya Lal Sharma.

Sindhi Samaj expressed its gratitude to the Chief Minister for the allotment of land according to the rules and Dhobi Samaj for constituting Rajak Kalyan Board.

On the demand of Manikpuri Samaj, the Chief Minister gave instructions to the Collector to provide land for Kabir Granthalaya in Kasdol.

He directed to allot of land to Jaiswal Samaj, Yadav Samaj, Satnami Samaj, and Digambar Jain Samaj for temple construction as per the process.

Similarly, instructions were also given to Tehsil Sahu Samaj and Youth Club Committee to provide land at a concessional rate as per rules.

On the demand for boats for fishermen by Nishad Samaj, he asked the collector to do the needful.

The Chief Minister instructed the collector to take action on the application for the cemetery of the Christian society.

Similarly, asked to reserve land for the cemetery of Sunni Muslim Samaj. On the demand of the building to the representatives of the Gond community, the Chief Minister said that funds would be sanctioned for the construction of the building after the allotment of the land.

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